(Get the study here)
The study contained a fascinating finding: Emails without offers in the subject line got opened more.
“Across all industries, emails with specific offers in their subject lines underperformed significantly in comparison with those without.”
Why is this?
Offers like “free shipping!” and “20% off!” are common place. They've lost their power. In fact, they're almost to be expected: “What do you mean I have to pay for shipping? F@#$ that!”
What did work?
According to the Yesmail study, emails with 'deal' in the subject line (but without making a specific offer) significantly and consistently outperformed the rest.
Why did it work?
Yesmail suggested things like urgency, mystery, and message targeting made the subject lines stand out.
In otherwords, it wasn't using the specific word 'deal', so much as it was how 'deal' was used that made the subject lines so successful.
That sounds exactly right to me. It's well known that people respond well to urgency, exclusivity, and mystery:
- Urgency (Limited time only! Hurry in today!),
- Exclusivity ('”A special deal just for you!”)
- Mystery (“You won't believe what we have for you”)
If you're doing email marketing, or thinking of doing it, I urge you to take a look at the full study. You'll find it well worth your time.
If you missed it earlier, here's a link to the full study. Do yourself a favor and check it out.